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St. Luke's University Health Network Network Prior Authorization and Referral Specialist in Allentown, Pennsylvania

St. Luke's is proud of the skills, experience and compassion of its employees. The employees of St. Luke's are our most valuable asset! Individually and together, our employees are dedicated to satisfying the mission of our organization which is an unwavering commitment to excellence as we care for the sick and injured; educate physicians, nurses and other health care providers; and improve access to care in the communities we serve, regardless of a patient's ability to pay for health care.

Responsible for accurate and timely pre-registration, submission of prior authorizations for SLPG Primary Care and Specialty practices, submission of insurance referrals for all Primary Care and Care Now departments, peer to peer evaluations, verification and validation of all financial information, and Point of Service cash collection for all services assigned to ensure proper reimbursement.

The intent of this job description is to provide a summary of the major duties and responsibilities of this position and shall not be considered as a detailed description of all the work requirements that may be inherent in the position.


  • R e sponsible for the finan c ial c le a r a n c e of a ll s c h e duled p a ti e nts b y p ro v i d ing a c c u ra te a nd timely v e ri f ic a tion of a ll fin a n c i a l info r mation a nd p rec e rtifi ca tion/r e fer r a l f o r a ll s e rvi c e s to e nsure p r op e r r e imburs e ment.

  • Responsible for reviewing medical necessity of genetic testing/infusion services in addition to prior authorization to ensure revenue for services.

  • Monitors a ll hospital sch e duled diagnostic and surgical appointments to ensure that a ll ca s e s a re i d e ntified, a nd fin a n c ial c l ea r a n c e is obtain e d.

  • Submit prior authorizations for all STAT imaging orders for PCP and Specialty prior to date of service.

  • Submit for insurance referrals for all PG Specialty and PCP orders and SL Care Now Departments.

  • Submit prior authorizations for diagnostic orders placed by PG PCP and Specialty service lines.

  • Utilizes specific Epic Work Queues designed for Prior Authorization and Insurance Referral workflows to ensure correct process is followed for proper documentation and billing in Epic.

  • Notifies all external providers of prior authorization requirements for scheduled services.

  • Notifies practices of all denied authorizations via in-basket message and provide peer to peer info for scheduling.

  • Review payer medical policies and contact the health plan’s UR department for first attempt appeal mitigation.

  • Providing information to patients regarding the prior authorization process, including any necessary steps or documentation required from their end.

  • Communicating with healthcare providers to gather additional information, clarify documentation or address any concerns related to the prior authorization process.

  • Contacts Insurance Payers to provide Notice of Admission on behalf of PG provider to secure reimbursement for Observation and Inpatient Services.

  • R e f e rs a ll self- p a y p a ti e n t s to the Patient Advocacy Department.

  • Identify patients scheduled with Out of Network Health Plans and refer patient to central scheduling to be rescheduled to in network SL facility or refer to Patient Advocacy Department to review alternative insurance plans in network with St. Luke’s

  • Upd a tes a nd/or c ommunic a tes c o r r e c t p a ti e nt inf o rm a tion to a ppro p ri a te sta f f, hospital d e p a rtme n t s , a nd c omput e r s y stems.

  • Review all patients with imaging and surgical order changes that require same day authorization updates.

  • Responsible for investigating and reviewing all claim denials related to missing or invalid prior authorizations in addition to medical necessity denials for certain departments.

  • Required education and working knowledge of Experian Prior Authorization module to assist in the obtaining of insurance authorizations.

  • Responsible for writing appeal letters or retrospective medical review requests. Prompt resolution of imaging and surgical cases requiring authorization updates to cpt codes or implantable devices.

  • W o r ks with reimbursement Coordin a tors reg a rding upd a tes a nd d e let e d c o d e s for p r op e r r e imburs e ment f or D e p ar tm e nts.

  • W o r ks with Mana g e r reg a rding r e imbur s e ments issu e s a nd or p r e -c e rt issu e s with a cc ounts in their a r e a a s upon r e q u e st.

  • Stays abreast of third-party medical policies and authorization requirement changes.

  • Maintains relationships and supports SLPG practices and communicates discrepancies in obtained authorizations.

  • Follow up on appointments with approved authorizations for cpt codes but require site of care coordination. Contact patient and refer them to the health plan to complete site of care interview needed prior to date of service.

  • P e r f o r ms oth e r r e lat e d d u ti e s as a ssi g n e d.


Sitting up to e i g ht (8) hours p e r d a y , three (3) h ours a t a time. Consiste n t use of h a nds a nd fin g e rs for ty pi n g , tel e pho n e s, d a ta e nt r y , e tc. O c c a sional t w isting a nd turni n g . U s e s upp e r e x tr e miti e s to lift a nd ca r r y up to 15 pounds. Stoops, b e nds a nd r e ac h e s a bove should e r le v e l to r e trieve files. He a ri n g a s it r e lat e s to no r mal c on v e r s a tion. S ee ing a s it re lat e s to g e n e r a l vision.


Hi g h sc h ool g r a du a te o r e quival e nt.


Three years healthcare e x p e ri e n c e in a n outpatient d e p a rtme n t or busin e ss o f fi c e with a hospital, p h y sici a n ’s o f fi c e , or simil a r medi ca l f a c ili t y preferred. It is required to have at least one year in areas stated above. Strong c ustom e r s e rvi c e skills with kn o wl e d g e of h ea lth insur a n ce s required. M u st h a ve a bili t y to w o rk i n d e p e nd e nt l y . Comput e r e x p e ri e n c e r e qu i r e d. B ilin g u a l p re fer r e d.

Please complete your application using your full legal name and current home address. Be sure to include employment history for the past seven (7) years, including your present employer. Additionally, you are encouraged to upload a current resume, including all work history, education, and/or certifications and licenses, if applicable. It is highly recommended that you create a profile at the conclusion of submitting your first application. Thank you for your interest in St. Luke's!!

St. Luke's University Health Network is an Equal Opportunity Employer. (

Founded in 1872, St. Luke’s University Health Network ( (SLUHN) is a fully integrated, regional, non-profit network of more than 20,000 employees providing services at 15 campuses and 300+ outpatient sites. With annual net revenue of $3.5 billion, the Network’s service area includes 11 counties in two states: Lehigh, Northampton, Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Montgomery, Monroe, Schuylkill and Luzerne counties in Pennsylvania and Warren and Hunterdon counties in New Jersey. St. Luke’s hospitals operate the largest network of trauma centers in Pennsylvania, with the Bethlehem Campus being home to St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital.

SLUHN is the only Lehigh Valley-based health care system to earn Medicare’s five-star ratings (the highest) for quality, efficiency and patient satisfaction. It is both a Leapfrog Group and Healthgrades Top Hospital and a Newsweek World’s Best Hospital. The Network’s flagship University Hospital has earned the 100 Top Major Teaching Hospital designation from Fortune/Merative 11 times total and eight years in a row, including in 2023 when it was identified as THE #4 TEACHING HOSPITAL IN THE COUNTRY. In 2021, St. Luke’s was identified as one of the 15 Top Health Systems nationally.

SLUHN has been named a Top Workplaces 2023 by the Morning Call. In addition, St. Luke’s has been named a Top Workplace nationally, in the Philadelphia region, and in New Jersey. St. Luke’s is the ONLY healthcare institution in Pennsylvania and the third-highest ranked healthcare entity in the nation to be deemed a Top Workplace in 2023. In 2023, St. Luke’s was named one of America’s Best Employers for Women by Forbes. St. Luke’s was the only employer in the Lehigh Valley to be named to the list and was one of only two healthcare employers in Pennsylvania to receive the designation. St. Luke’s University Health Network is the top-ranked Lehigh Valley-based employer in Forbes Magazine’s ranking of employers in Pennsylvania.

Learn More Here. (
