Job Information
Holtec International Procurement Specialist in Orrville, Ohio
Holtec I nternational is see k in g a Procure m ent Specialist to join o u r Material Procure m ent Gro u p. This hands - on position requires the associate to be a stron g com m unicator, ha v e outstandin g ne g otiatin g s k ills and be a b le to g rasp a n d m ai n tain the co m pany ' s botto m line. T h e Pr o cure m ent Specialist m ust n o t o n ly be able to esta b lish and g row qualit y business co n tacts with suppl y v endors b u t be able to o b jecti v el y bud g et t h e purchase o f t h ose pro d ucts with the co m pa n y ' s best i n terests in m ind.
Pri m ar y respo n si b ilities i n clude b ut are not li m ited t o :
• Preparatio n and issuance of RFQs to v endor s
• Ne g otiation o f p rices and ter m s with t h e v endor s
• Preparatio n , re v iew and issuance of P u rchase Order s
• Expeditin g of v endors
• Audit o f v endors as nee d e d
• Review invoices and process for payment
• Confirm material has been received at location and process within accounting system
• Audit o f v endors as nee d e d
Qualified candidates shoul d possess the followin g :
• The ca n di d ate m ust h a v e a bac kg round in p u rc h asin g / p roduct p roc u re m ent. M o re specificall y the followin g are prerequisites for this positio n :
• Candidate must have at least three y ears of purchasin g and accounts payable experie n ce. Purchasin g experie n ce in the co mm ercial Nuclear Power i n dustr y is preferred.
• Word processin g and spreadsheet s k ills are esse n tial. Qualit y com m unication a nd ne g otiatin g s k ills are v ital.
• Excelle n t written and o ral En g lish s k ills .
In addition to a competitive salary, Holtec International offers a comprehensive benefits package including Medical, Dental, Life and Disability coverage. A 401(K) plan that includes a company match is also available.
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