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Job Information

Legacy Labor Inc Farm worker crop / Legacey Labor in Somerset, Kentucky

JOB DOES NOT START UNTIL, August 28, 2024.APPLICANT SHOULD RECEIVE A COPY OF THE JOB DESCRIPTION AND JOB REFERRAL BEFORE CALLING EMPLOYER CONTACT. All workers should be physically able to meet and perform the work outlined in the contract for the entire period of time from 08/28/2024 to 06/25/2025. Strawberries - StrawberriesHarvesting, crop work, cleaning, small maintenance and repairs, Pest management control, packingAll workers will receive on-the-job training on the quality standards required for the position, including: missed fruit,harvesting technique, sorting/mis-sorting, bruising, fruit size, and fruit maturity expectations. Workers’ performance willbe audited by the employer on meeting these quality standards and assigned a quality ranking of one to five. Inaddition, workers will be evaluated on their speed. For combing, workers must process a minimum of 1300 plants/hour.For harvesting, once workers have completed 80 hours of harvesting, they must harvest at least 15 kg/hour. After 120hours of harvesting, workers must harvest at least 19 kg/hour. When harvesting in one punnet, the harvest rate willincrease by 5 kg/hour above the requirements stated above. Workers must not have more than 15 mis-clicks ormis-registrations in the Priva system in any given week.In addition to the specific quality and speed standards training that will be provided post-hire, workers must demonstratebona fide effort to meet the employer’s work standards. Work/Job Specification Definitions: a) Sloppy: not careful orneat: showing a lack of care, attention, or effort. b) bona fide: made with earnest intent c) earnest: serious in intention,purpose, or effort: d) sustained: continuing for an extended period or without interruption. e) endurance: the ability orstrength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions. f) efficiently: performing orfunctioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. g) consistently: Same way over a longperiod of time. Bona fide, in this context, means made with earnest intent and keeping with fellow workers.Farm, Field, and Shed Sanitation: All workers will be responsible for picking up trash, cleaning bathrooms, sweeping floors and other farm, and shed sanitation duties. The farm owner/supervisor or a designated employee will provide specific instructions and close supervision. Workers will be expected to perform their duties in a timely and proficient manner and will have close supervision to ensure adherence to instruction. Work will be closely monitored and reviewed for quality.
