Job Information
USIC Entry Level Utility Inspection Technician in St. Clair, Michigan
Job Description:
Do you want to start your career with a company that values integrity, dedication, and hard work every single day? We want to offer you competitive pay, a generous benefits package, and opportunities for advancement.
As leaders in the utility industry concentrating, on quality and safety, RECONN is looking for people to join our team who are problem solvers, take pride in public safety and are comfortable in a fast paced, exciting work environment.
The starting pay for this position is $16/hour + mileage reimbursement for personal vehi c le use!
These are entry level, daytime, full-time positions and overtime may be required. Instructor led training will be provided.
A meter reader plays a key role in utility operations. Meter readers ensure accurate and timely billing of utility customers. Meter readers are assigned routes and must accurately and safely read electric, gas, or water meters. Basic skills needed are computer skills, map reading, and routing.
Why You'll Love Working for Us (Our Benefits):
100% paid training – We ' r e in ve sted in you, s ta rting on your f irst day.
Mileage Reimbursement - Get paid for use of your vehi c le at full IRS Mandated Rates
C ompany laptop, phone, and equipment – Adv a n c e d t e c hnology you c a n c ount on.
Daily pay – A c c e ss your p a y wh e n you n ee d it mos t . I nstantly tr a ns fe r yo u r ea rnings to your b a nk s a me da y.
C omprehensive insuran c e options – A v a ri e ty of e x c e l le nt insur an c e c h oi c e s in c luding medi c a l, dent a l, v i sion, a nd l i f e .
401(k) with c ompany mat c h – W e will h e lp you s a ve for the long t e rm wi th our c ompeti t ive 401 ( k) e mp l oy e r m a t c h p r o g r a m.
PTO and paid holidays – Even in your first year, s o you c a n sp e nd t i me wi th your lov e d on e s.
Post -dig season bonus – F ront - l i ne e mp l oy ee s ar e the f irst t o sh a re in t he c ompany ’ s success.
Tenure Boots Program – P rovid e s a $200 vou c he r to buy a n e w p a ir of w ork b oots on your fi r st anniv e r sa ry an d e v e ry ye a r a ft e r.
Te c h Health Desk – D e di c a ted rep r e s e n ta t i v e s to g e t you wh a t you ne e d wh e n you n ee d i t .
Employee dis c ounts & perks – Outs ta nding d i s c ounts a t ma jor re taile r s a nd s e rvi c e
Opportunity for Growth & Advan c ement - Further expand your c areer with opportunities to learn new skills with c ross-training opportunities .
C omplete meter reads a c c urately and workload efficiently.
Perform reads with safety in mind.
Re c ord and report abnormal operating c onditions
Report any problems on a job site to an immediate supervisor.
File error re c ord reports, when ne c essary
Keep lines of c ommuni c ation open with management
Be reassigned and willing to perform duties in new areas when asked.
Respe c t and c are for c ompany issued equipment.
Maintain a good attendan c e record.
Perform other duties as assigned.
What We Need from You (Our Requirements):
Familiarity using c urrent te c hnology; smartphone, tablet.
Must be able to c ommuni c ate in an effe c tive manner in a one-on-one setting and while addressing a group.
Must be able to work outdoors in all types of weather c onditions; outdoor experien c e preferred.
Must be available to work overtime and weekends (as needed)
Must pass a drug screen.
Must have a reliable, insured vehicle.
Valid driver's li c ense and safe driving re c ord required.
Work well within a group, as well as individually
Must have reliable vehi c le for daily use on the job.